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Experience. Practice areas

Commercial disputes

disputes arising out of the interpretation or the execution of different categories of agreements, including disputes related to their termination or, conversely, challenging such act

concerning the annulment of contracts

matters of corporate law, including the annulment of certain provisions of the articles of association, the annulment of the resolutions of the general meeting of shareholders or the decisions of the administrator, the liability of the administrator, damages claimed by the administrator for wrongful revocation of the mandate

proceedings for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments

in matters of anti-competitive practices, including damages and the cessation of such practice

oblique and paulian actions

arising from the breach of the duty of good faith during negotiations

simplified debt recovery proceedings

precautionary measures

the annulment of certain acts issued in the process of privatization

Administrative disputes and administrative procedures

seeking the annulment and suspension of acts issued by the local or central authorities and, if case may be, payment of compensation for the damage arising from the unlawful acts

      ○ related to the fire security, inspections of the National Authority for Consumer Protection, the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, the State Building Inspectorate, the National Health Insurance House or the Environmental Guard

      ○ regarding audits of European funds or those carried out by the Court of Accounts

      ○ regarding the decisions of the National Council for Combating Discrimination

      ○ issued by the Romanian Energy Regulatory Authority

      ○ issued by the National Audiovisual Council

      ○ in the field of capital markets (regarding the sanctions applied by Financial Supervisory Authority)

      ○ in the field of budget funds allocated to public interest foundations

      ○ for ascertainment of a right arising from an administrative act

      ○ challenging the state of alert restrictions

      ○ deriving from the framework contract governing the conditions of healthcare assistance under the social health insurance system

      ○ applications for suspension of the administrative acts

administrative procedures

      ○ before the Romanian Advertising Council, as a referral procedure prior to the issuance of an act by the National Audiovisual Council

      ○ before the Ministry of Public Finance, in the context of reporting misleading advertising

      ○ before the Competition Council, notified with unfair competition practices

      ○ on the occasion of the Court of Accounts’ audits of private entities using public funds

      ○ before the National Council for Combating Discrimination

tax disputes

      ○ on challenging the additional profit tax imposed by the fiscal authorities

      ○ acknowledgment of the right to deduct VAT

      ○ challenging the property tax due on certain buildings

      ○ challenging the debts imposed by the Environmental Fund Administration

      ○ the registration for tax purposes of a consortium following a change in the legal status consisting in a cross-border merger operation

public procurement and related procedures concerning the suspension of bank guarantee letters

      ○ seeking the annulment of certain acts issued during procurement procedures

      ○ related to the performance of obligations arising from procurement contracts

Employment disputes

on challenging dismissal decisions for reasons not attributable to the employee (because of individual or collective restructuring and in the case of an employee who has become medically unfit)

on challenging dismissal decisions on grounds attributable to the employee

concerning the classification in labor categories

related to compensations

seeking the compensation of overtime or other salary entitlements

on harassment

arising from fixed-term employment contracts

on the requalification of certain civil contracts as employment contracts

related to the enforcement of collective bargaining agreements

seeking annulment of the resignation or of the agreement to terminate the individual employment contract, on grounds of vitiated consent

recourse actions following audits carried out by the Court of Accounts

Civil litigation

related to the annulment or enforcement of civil acts

on the recognition of property rights

confessory actions for the defense of the rights of easement, superficies, use or usufruct

on aiming to compel the conclusion of contracts

on tort liability (including for the act of the thing, of an employee or damage to the right of image)

based on undue payment or unjust enrichment

possessory actions


on the demolition of a construction

Land Register complaints

Enforcement proceedings (initiated based on court judgments or instruments which are enforceable by law, including cheques and promissory notes) and related litigation

challenges to enforcement

challenges against the court bailiff’s refusal to proceed with an enforcement act

challenges to the clarification of the meaning, scope or application of the enforcement title

disputes related to damages for failure to perform a strictly personal obligation to do or not to do something

disputes related to the payment of accessories to which the creditor is rightfully entitled

appeal against the resolution rejecting the application for a declaration of enforceability

Intellectual property disputes

the annulment of patents

the annulment of certain certificates attesting technical achievements

pecuniary rights arising from the use of patents or technical achievements

obligation to cease using a trademark

payment of damages for unlawful use of a trademark

copyright protection

Internal arbitration

before the arbitration courts of the Chambers of Commerce and Industry

before the National Health Insurance House (arising from the relationship between healthcare providers and insurance houses)

the procedure of challenging arbitration rulings before the general courts

Insolvency disputes

Sports litigation

before TAS following the withdrawal of a club’s license and relegation

Malpractice litigation

Pre-litigation disputes involving assistance to the client in order to achieve an optimal position in negotiations conducted on a potentially contentious situation